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Asheville Integrated Acupuncture integrates the principles of Western scientific medicine with traditional Eastern approaches to healthcare, to provide effective, patient-centered care.

Acupuncture works via the body’s natural healing systems

By inserting very fine needles into specific points on the skin, acupuncture stimulates the body’s own healing responses. It is being increasingly understood in Western medical terms and validated by clinical trials. Scientific evidence, which has been building up for the past 30 years, shows that acupuncture stimulates nerves which send messages to the spinal cord and brain, releasing feel-good chemicals, and stimulating anti-inflammatory and painkilling mechanisms in the body.

Pain Management

Acupuncture can help with most types of pain, including headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain, and is a safe, natural alternative to potentially harmful pain medications.

Women's Health

By restoring balance in the nervous and hormone systems, acupuncture can help women regulate their menstrual cycles, cultivate optimal fertility, and support a thriving pregnancy.

Stress Management

Widely accepted as an effective means of stress management, acupuncture strongly promotes calm and relaxation and regulating sleep and digestive function.

Respiratory Health

Acupuncture helps maintain the health of the respiratory and immune systems, helping prevent allergies, asthma colds and flu.

Recent Blog Posts

Acupuncture is Top Treatment for Low Back Pain

Acupuncture is Top Treatment for Low Back Pain

A recent landmark report commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), found acupuncture to be at or near the top of every category measuring the effectiveness of a...

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I was not a fan of needles and acupuncture, but due to some back pain I was struggling with, I decided to try Lisa when she told me we would work together and take it slow. We did a thorough intake of just talking before I laid down on the table.She used only a few needles instead of the overload I had another time I tried acupuncture, and she did some cupping and heat therapy, which helped me to relax. She stayed with me the entire time in case I had another panic attack. The result lasted for 2 weeks- my back pain was much less and I was able to move more freely. I also had more energy and less headaches. Highly recommended!


If anyone is looking for an AMAZING Acupuncture Practitioner, I highly recommend Lisa Sherman. Lisa is brilliant in her knowledge of how the physical and energetic body systems work. She is a skillful listener and incredibly intuitive. I fully trust that she knows exactly what I need each session to experience the desired results. Lisa makes me feel safe, seen and deeply cared for. Her presence makes me feel so comfortable that I am able to completely relax, allowing me to receive the maximum benefits of the treatment. I started seeing her years ago to help with seasonal allergies. The acupuncture and Chinese herbs she recommended helped relieve the allergy symptoms after a couple visits. I continue to see her regularly for self care maintenance. I love it. She is adaptable and able to help me with whatever needs attention that day. From allergies, to heartbreak to the common cold, she knows the right approach to help you heal anything.

After ripping my hamstring almost 13 years ago, I resided to the fact that I would always have daily pain. I initially sought treatment from Lisa for a strained muscle in my back, it was so successful we started to focus on my hamstring. Lisa’s treatment has been the only element that has alleviated me of continuous hamstring pain. I have such confidence and trust in Lisa. Her compassion, knowledge, and humor combine to holistically provide me care, physically and mentally.


I think of myself as a fairly level headed and pragmatic sort of guy, so when it comes to my aches and pains I usually keep them to myself, chin up and move forward. Did I mention that weight training is one of my pastimes and yoga is not practiced enough? This combination led me to a recent situation that found my left arm hurting from elbow to upper tricep so badly that I considered going to an orthopedic surgeon to see if surgery might be required. Before traveling down that traditional path a friend recommended to give a less traditional method a chance. Long story short, I spent three sessions with Lisa working her cupping and acupuncture technique on my arm and I am totally blown away with the results! I have recommended Lisa and her practice to local people in Asheville and beyond.

Contact Us

More Info

If you’d like to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation, or ask a question, please fill in the contact form or call the number below. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

30 Clayton St
Asheville, NC 28801

(828) 974-2599

[email protected]

Appointments available:
In-person: Tuesday-Thursday 9 am – 6 pm
Virtual: Monday & Friday 10 am – 4 pm

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